Airport Village
A vital 1,295-acre support hub ensuring seamless travel and logistics for Península de Los Sueños. The on-site airport offers both private and commercial flight options, eliminating the hassle of lengthy transfers.
Beyond aviation, this village houses industrial and maintenance facilities, storage yards, workforce housing, and administrative offices. Nestled amid rugged mountain scenery, Airport Village is strategically designed to balance function and convenience while minimizing noise impacts on residential areas.
With only about 1% of the total project density allocated here, its footprint remains practical yet essential to the community’s infrastructure.
The Airport Village: Área de Planeación 7 (Village 7)
Land use compatibility analysis played a fundamental role in the master planning of PDLS. The natural characteristics of the various environments within PDLS guided the formation of the 11 village boundaries. These environmental traits also informed decisions about land use, ensuring compatibility while minimizing environmental impact. Additionally, the juxtaposition of land use intensities, densities, and operational characteristics influenced the placement of specific developments.
In the end, Village 7 was identified as the optimal location for the relocated PDLS airport. Positioned farthest from commercial, residential, and tourist developments, it minimizes noise impacts while offering topographic conditions ideal for airport design and construction. Located near the rear of the property and close to the state highway, Airport Village is strategically positioned to facilitate the efficient transportation of materials to, from, and between PDLS, La Paz, and other nearby communities.
Apart from workforce housing and airport condominium hangars for user-pilots, no residential developments will be permitted within this village. As a support village, Airport Village is designated for industrial land uses, making it suitable for facilities such as storage, manufacturing, contractor yards, solid waste collection and separation, and aggregate materials production and storage (including sand, gravel, and granite).
Spanning 1,295 acres, Airport Village is distinct from any other environment within PDLS due to its vast size and unique topographic and botanical features. Outside the Airport District, much of the village is mountainous, contributing to the overall PDLS Open Space System. While the area does not contain environmentally sensitive zones, its steep terrain and distinctive vegetation add aesthetic value. For this reason, nearly half of the village has been designated as a Conservation Area.
Of the total density allowed within PDLS, only 1% has been allocated to Airport Village, ensuring its role as a functional yet environmentally conscious support hub.
The land uses designated within The Airport Village are: IT, CU-2, EA, EX, EQ and PEC.
The permitted uses (products) in The Airport Village include:
· Airport Uses
· Airport Condominium Hangars
· Condominiums
· Workforce Housing
· Contractor Yards
· Waste Collection and Separation
· Manufacturing
· Plant Nurseries
· Re-use Water Storage
· Maintenance Facilities
· Administrative Facilities
· Resource Facilities
· Police and Security
· Communications Facilities
The permitted uses (products), requiring a Special Use Permit, include:
· Fuel Storage
The required facilities within the Airport Village are:
· The Mountains Community Park
· Trails and Open Space Connections