Renewable Energy Campus Village

A 375-acre hub of environmental innovation. This village hosts solar power, wastewater treatment, and desalination plants, all working together to support the peninsula’s eco-friendly vision. Strategically located in an area with optimal topography and minimal vegetation, it maximizes efficiency for renewable energy systems.

No residential or major commercial developments encroach on this critical infrastructure, ensuring an unwavering focus on green technology. By providing a clean, sustainable power source for future expansions, Renewable Energy Campus Village stands as a testament to Península de Los Sueños’ commitment to forward-thinking design and sustainability.

The Renewable Energy Campus Village: Área de Planeación 9 (Village 9)

After extensive research, PDLS has determined that renewable energy—specifically solar power, whether concentrated solar power (CSP) or photovoltaic (PV) technology)—can generate enough electricity to meet the project’s full energy demands, with the potential to export excess power to neighboring communities. However, CSP and PV solar technologies have specific technical requirements, including relatively flat terrain with a slope of no more than 2%, and minimal to moderate vegetation.

Spanning 375 acres, The Renewable Energy Campus Village meets these criteria. It has no environmentally sensitive areas, features relatively flat land with little vegetation, is not an optimal location for real estate development, and is strategically positioned adjacent to Town Center Village, which serves as the hub for most PDLS support services.

This village will also house:

• A CFE power substation

• A primary communications facility

• One of three primary desalination plants

• The PDLS wastewater treatment facility

The wastewater treatment facility is centralized to efficiently capture, treat, and repurpose both solid and effluent waste. Effluent waste can be treated for irrigation purposes or, with tertiary treatment, even converted into potable water. Solid waste can be processed into fertilizers or even bio-diesel fuel. Existing technologies enable the complete reuse of all waste collected in PDLS, making The Renewable Energy Campus Village the designated site for these sustainable initiatives.

Land Use & Future Expansion

No residential or commercial developments (aside from the mentioned infrastructure) will be permitted in The Renewable Energy Campus Village.

A companion area to this village is the southern portion of Village 11, which is also considered part of the renewable energy program. This flex area is dedicated to accommodating future expansions in renewable energy initiatives. 

The land uses designated within The Renewable Energy Campus Village are: IL, EA, EQ-TAR and EQ-ER.


The permitted uses (products) in The Renewable Energy Campus Village include:

·       Re-use Water Storage

·       Desalination Plant

·       Waste Water Treatment Facilities

·       Renewable Energy Facilities

·       Power Sub-Stations

·       Communication Facilities

·       Equipment Storage

·       Maintenance/Repair Facilities

·       Administrative Offices

·       Plant Nurseries


The permitted uses (products), requiring a Special Use Permit, include:

·       Resource Materials

·       FuelStorage


The required facilities within The Renewable Energy Campus Village are: 

·       Trails and Open Space Connections


Town Center Village


Resort Golf Village